Job center

Job Center is an HR Tech solution that helps Employment Centers and Employment Agencies

Job Center is an HR Tech solution that helps Employment Centers and Employment Agencies to deliver their services to people and companies: general counseling, professional counseling, skill gap analysis, job placement, recruitment and selection for companies.

This is thanks to an artificial intelligence engine that can estimate the suitability between a candidate and a job offer starting from his professional experiences and his qualifications.

Job Center is a complete solution consisting of a powerful and reliable management system, a job scanner that captures offers published online and an app with which users can directly access all the services.

User profiling

To express the suitability between a job seeker and the offers available, Job Center profiles the user through a chatbot that communicates with him and gradually collects all the necessary information.

The chatbot intervenes with welcome functions at the first use of the app by the user. It then becomes active again when the user requests services that require in-depth profiling. This incremental strategy allows users to be provided with the first services immediately. By this way, there is no risk they abandoning the app because profiling requires too much data.

The information managed by the system, in fact, are many. In addition to those that are strictly curricular, Job Center collects data on user preferences, expectations and the characteristics of the preferred job. The configuration of a user can be done by an operator collecting the same information using the backend application.

Recruitment and selection

The in-depth profiling allows operators to carry out faster and more accurate personnel research. Job Center, in fact, thanks to its suitability indicator, allows them to quickly create shortlists of capable candidates on which to focus the selection work.

Moreover, the filter system allows them to set additional conditions, in order to identify the candidates who, in addition to being able to carry out the indicated work, are actually interested in that type of proposal. In addition, the opportunity to publish and promote offers on public pages allows them to easily intercept new users from the web who can spontaneously submit their candidature.

Once the most interesting candidates have been identified, Job Center supports the operator in the selection process and allows them to build a candidate presentation dossier and subsequently forward it to the company.

Job placement

User profiling is also the basis of job placement services. Job Center supplies to placement operators all the tools useful for identifying the target professions for which to search in relation to the user’s preferences and skills. Interaction with the Web is fundamental for placement activities. The Job Scanner module identifies job vacancies posted online, analyses them thanks to artificial intelligence and selects those relating to the professions identified as a target.

The candidate can be presented to a company sending a dossier generated by the application. The company that receives it is asked to give feedback with a button in the email. The feedback allows the operators to focus the search and presentation strategies of the candidate in real opportunities.

Counselling for skilling and qualifications

Job Center offers skill gap analysis tools to guide users towards vocational training and the achievement of missing qualifications in order to successfully search for a job.

The system, in fact, for each job offer, is able to highlight the gaps presented by the user in terms of soft skills, hard skills, digital skills, language skills and educational qualifications. Through a connection that is customized for each instance, the system then allows operators to search the training catalogs available at regional or state level. The operator can provide as output of his activity a dossier consisting of recommended courses and useful information for registering for them.

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