Custom Libraries

Our systems enable the monitoring of indicators of human factor employment within large organizations. Consequently, Exagogica platforms make it possible to measure, monitor and manage the efficiency and effectiveness of people in relation to the context in which they are employed. For these processes to be effective, it is essential that the indicators are expressed on the factors of real interest to the organization.
Put another way, the quality of the human resource management work that can be done with our platforms depends on the quality of the software, but more importantly on the quality of the libraries that are employed in it.

That is why, in addition to the libraries offered on Mundamundis and Skill Attitude, Exagogica develops libraries tailored to the needs of its clients and pours decades of experience conducted at the highest professional level into this activity.

Skills Catalogue

Creating a catalog of competencies means analyzing business processes, defining the expected results of each activity and, for each of them, defining the operating conditions necessary to achieve a certain level of result.

Only those with direct experience in the field can understand what knowledge and skills are needed to ensure a given performance. The set of these skills is a description of the competency requirements that can be captured through our systems assessment processes and can then be the subject of monitoring, evaluation as well as development.

Our specific experience in the manufacturing sector, and in particular the automotive sector, allows us to support companies in this sector with turnkey projects. A relevant example of this type of service is the skill mapping activity of production personnel that Marelli is conducting in its plants around the world with the skill catalog specifically created by Exagogica.


The Analysis of job descriptions is related to that of competencies, in that job descriptions can be declined as sets of competencies whose possession is capable of ensuring the satisfaction of the processes in which an organizational position is called upon to participate.
The complexity in defining a job description lies primarily in the ability to articulate organizational positions within job roles and group these into groups and families so as to define the common requirements of each level. A well-structured job description, in which there are generative rules that define family, group and role requirements, is a meaningful, useful and maintainable job description. Professional competencies refer to this articulation. In contrast, management and managerial skills are related to the level of the professional position.
Exagogica has carried out the analysis of job descriptions of several large companies in manufacturing (FCA, Marelli, Aristhon Termo). In addition to business applications, it has also developed specific job descriptions for the analysis of work experience for job matching purposes. A recent example is the analysis of the QRSP (framework of recognized occupations) of the Lombardy Region and its reconciliation with the Job Atlas, an activity behind the Exagogica Job Center application for Afol Metropolitana di Milano.


Assessent Center allows official Exagogica DRECT and PACE tests as well as public domain tests and licensed third-party tests. Among the public domain tests are some of the best-known psychometric profiling tools, such as William Moulton Marston’s DISC (Dominance – Influence – Steadiness – Conscientiousness) or David Kolb’s Learning Styles Model. Third-party tests, which can be run under license through APIs provided by brand owners, include PPA and GIA tests from Thomas International Ltd and Character Strengths from the VIA Institute on Characters.

In addition to tests already on the market, Exagogica provides support for the study and implementation of original tests based on Carl Gustav Jung’s character model. A relevant example is the T.O.S.T., the Tertiary Studies Orientation Test created specifically for the portal and freely available on it.