Skill center allows all the members of an organization to work together to structure and constantly enrich the company's knowledge base
Skill center is our solution for the know-how management in a company: skill mapping, gap analysis, training plans and all the other activities concerning human resources development.
Skill center is a complete solution that allows all the members of an organization to work together to structure and constantly enrich the company’s knowledge base. By this way, the member obtains resources and tools to grow personally and with his team.
Knowledge management
Skill center’s knowledge management functions are based on the collaborative logic whereby each user can propose the inclusion of new skills, the modification of existing ones and the indexing of resources for study and training.
This process, coordinated by one or more knowledge managers, let the company able to constantly update its job position repertoire with the related competence requirements.
All the skill development activities featured by the system are based on this repertoire

Skill mapping
Skill mapping is easier and faster thanks to Skill center. By importing users’ CVs, or by entering their previous professional experience and current job, the system is able to immediately estimate what their skills are and at what level they have developed and maintained them. Skill center thus creates a first portfolio of user skills, on which he can work self-assessing and defining his own improvement goals.
Skill evaluation survey and MCQ
Each team manager can ask its members to carry out a self-assessment on individual skills, on an area or on the set of requirements required by a job position. Skill center offers to the team manager the opportunity to submit multiple choice questions to his members. These are particularly useful to assign an entry level before taking members aboard in a training activity.

Skill gap analysis
Why define and evaluate the skills of a team? The first reason is to make sure that everyone has the skills required to fill his position.
Skill center helps its users to self-diagnose and define improvement goals. The personal development plan is determined from the proposals of the member and from the indication of the priorities made by the manager. Moreover, Skill center allows each user to manage his plan through an agenda in which he can report to the manager carried out activities and achieved results.
Analysis on skill diffusion and needs
Another reason for mapping skills is to verify that, within a team, all the skills useful for carrying out the organization’s processes are present and possessed at the necessary level. The tools for analyzing skills’ diffusion allow a quick verification of training needs and help managers to strategically define development priorities.

Employability of available resources
Skill center provides the opportunity to identify internal candidates with the right skills for vacant positions or for participation in a project team. Likewise, it provides each user with the opportunity to identify career goals and develop the skills needed to fill the roles he is interested in.
After identifying objectives and priorities, how to make the development of the human factor more efficient? Skill center also helps in this, because it provides all the useful information to identify potential coaches on each critical skill within the work team.
Identifying, verifying and confirming situations of technical leadership allows you to refer to the most experienced people in the group. A competency reference can improve the knowledge base and can also help team members to improve their competence level.