Skill Attitude

Skill Attitude is the name of Exagogica Assessment Center’s public instance with which anyone can access the DReCT and PACE tests for the analysis of soft skills and attitudes to leadership and teamwork.
The tests, developed in 2016, have so far been administered through various partner companies as part of search and selection activities, individual coaching, organizational consulting, and training need analysis for development projects.
Since 2023, both tests produced by Exagogica have been available free of charge on Skill Attitude in several languages. Their use is free, as is also the report abstract, while the full report can be purchased directly on the site.

Skill Attitude, in addition to enabling the use of Exagogica tests for their own personal development, also provides coaches and business consultants with an excellent tool to support their activities. Through a simple form of subscription, professional users can deliver the tests by embedding them within their solutions and have access to all the extraordinary tools that the Assessment Center platform puts at their disposal: comparison of results from various subjects, cluster analysis, calibration of results, personalized return, definition of expected levels and gap analysis.

The two tests proposed by the platform are both based on Carl Gustav Jung’s character theory model and can be used either together or separately.

The DReCT is a transversal skills (soft skills) assessment model developed by Alessandro Obino from 4 well-known and highly regarded models in psychometrics: the Shuler test on assertiveness, the Palumbo test on organizational well-being, the Rhopa test on stress, and the Amovilli test on communication.
The DReCT test enables the measurement of soft skills and analyzes the individual’s basic skills on 4 different areas: DISCUSSION (Knowing how to handle situations of conflict and confrontation), RESISTANCE (Ability to cope with tensions and stressful moments), COMMUNICATION (Aptitude for communicating and sharing information), MOTIVATION (Knowing how to seize opportunities for improvement).
The DReCT Quadrant, the tool for overall representation of the results, defines the person’s overall potential and possible area of employment through positioning with respect to the two axes Affirmation/Sharing and Balance/Dynamics. The four areas of the Quadrant are: Area of Mediation, Area of Creativity, Area of Control, Area of Application.

The PACE, an original test developed by Alessandro Obino, is based on choosing a solution to emblematic cases that may arise in a professional setting. There is no right and wrong solution, but both highlight the values that the person feels he or she should prioritize in an ambiguous situation.
The PACE test measures a person’s readiness for leadership and teamwork by measuring the emphasis the individual gives to values in four areas: PERFORMANCE (Being able to recognize priorities and pursue goals); HARMONY (Developing relationships and being able to negotiate); CHANGE (Constantly seeking innovation and process improvement); EXECUTION (Performing assigned tasks correctly).

The PACE Quadrant, the overall performance representation tool, defines the position of the person with respect to the two axes Reiteration/Innovation and Integration/Resolution. The 4 areas identified by the Quadrant are: Area of Transaction, Area of Transformation, Area of Preservation, Area of Efficiency.